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October 2020


The digital sign-up for Parent/Teacher Conferences will be opening soon.  They are automatically set for 15-minute increments.  I usually allow at least 30 minutes for a conference so you will see every other conference time blocked in order to reserve a full 30 minutes for everyone.  Please let me know if you think more than 30 minutes is needed.   Additionally, it has been recommended that conferences occur remotely through Zoom this year.  However, if you would prefer to meet with me in person, just let me know and I can make those arrangements.  


We are now using a limited number of peer buddies during PE.  If your child is not a mask-wearer, he/she will be kept at a distance from peers.  Masks are worn when children are less than 6 feet apart and any such close contact lasts less than the CDC recommended 15 minutes.  Everyone is asked to wash hands after PE.  We are working hard to maintain these health standards because we are VERY excited to have our buddies in PE with us!


There are no classroom Halloween parties this year.  However, this month Mrs. Munie’s and my classes are learning about Halloween celebrations in other countries.  We are concluding the month with a study of Dia de los Muertos (a Mexican celebration of life after death).  On October 28, we will watch the Disney movie Coco and enjoy individual bags of Doritos and drink pouches.  I will have temporary face tattoos and face paint to decorate our faces like Mexican calaveras.  Please let me know if you do not want your child’s face decorated with either the tattoos or the face paint!  I don’t want to aggravate any allergies or cause you any turmoil in the removal of the tattoos or make-up.


As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have ( or 692-8790).

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